This Father Just Helped His 4-Year-Old Close On His First Real Estate Development Project This is so cool! A Texas realtor named his new model home project after his four-year-old son. Terrence...
Chancellor Lee Adams "The Miracle Child" Is Now A High School Graduate A story of triumph! Chancellor Lee Adams overcame unimaginable tragedy and is now a high school graduate, WBTV...
This High School Graduate Turns Down $40,000 Scholarship, Asks School To Award It To Another Student She’s paying it forward. A Fitchburg high school graduate turned down a $40,000 scholarship and asked the school...
Johnniqua Charles Shares How The Viral ‘You About To Lose Your Job’ Video Changed Her Life God works in mysterious ways. Johnniqua Charles shares how the viral "You about to lose your job" video...
This 41-Year-Old Just Graduated Law School After 20 Years Of Pursuing Her Dream There's no right way to live a fulfilling life! A 41-year-old shared her law school graduation photo with...
Sister of Ahmaud Arbery Dedicates Master’s Degree To Her Late Brother In Heartwarming Tribute Peace and light to the spirit of Ahmaud Arbery! The sister of Ahmaud Arbery dedicated her master’s degree...