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Video: UCLA Basketball Player Lifts Teammate's Chin Up After He Slumped In Disappointment

Video: UCLA Basketball Player Lifts Teammate's Chin Up After He Slumped In Disappointment

This past Thursday UCLA’s Men’s basketball team showed the world what the term “I am my brother’s keeper” means. With two minutes left in the game, center Moses Brown made a less than perfect pass that resulted in a lost possession. His team was down by two points and as the ball drifted out of bounds, so did Brown’s spirit. As he made his transition to defense, his head and shoulders dropped in unison. And that’s when the magic happened. Almost without missing a beat, UCLA’s point guard Jaylen Hands walked over to Brown, placed his hand under his chin and tilted his head back up where it belonged.

Thankfully, it was just what Brown and his teammates needed. In the end the team would rally together to overcome a 9-point deficit to win the game 87-84. It was a display of brotherhood and support that inspired everyone who saw it — whether live or replayed throughout social media. May we all strive to be the kind of friend who will lift the chin of another!