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Tennessee Dad Creates Commencement Ceremony For His Daughter In Their Driveway

Tennessee Dad Creates Commencement Ceremony For His Daughter In Their Driveway

As the reality of virtual graduations sets in, parents are finding unique ways to give their children the recognition they deserve on their big day. One dad in Memphis Tennessee transformed his driveway to do just that!

The proud father had a stage, podium and participants dressed in full regalia to honor his daughter, Gabrielle, and her degree from Xavier University of Louisiana.

The set up caught the attention of a neighbor who shared the event on Instagram saying, “My next door neighbors daughter couldn’t have her official graduation due to the pandemic so her created one for her! Now that’s a great/proud father for you. He made it happen!”

The program details all of the elements one would expect to see at a normal graduation — a procession, invocation, national anthem, welcome, song, commencement address and most important, the conferring of degree followed by the recessional.

After doing the hard work to earn her Bachelors of Public Health Science with a Minor in Biology, Gabrielle’s family was determined to create the space to cheer her on for all to see.

According to the program, Gabrielle is heading into the Armed Forces to fulfill her dream of working for the CDC.

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photo credit: Delandrion Todd