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Over 100 Dads Gathered in NYC to Take Their Kids on a Stroll

Over 100 Dads Gathered in NYC to Take Their Kids on a Stroll

Last Sunday over 100 dads and their children gathered in New York City to take a stroll through the park for their inaugural "Strollin' With the Homies" event. The walk was organized by Sean Williams, founder of The Dad Gang.

“We’re all about creating events that are not just fun for dads and their kids to participate in but also socially and visually impactful as well. We knew that as the weather in NYC warmed up, Sunday mornings at the park will get busy and give us the perfect opportunity to turn some heads and start the conversation around Black fatherhood,” Willams told Because of Them We Can.

The Dad Gang was established in 2016 and is focused on changing the way the world views Black fathers. In addition to their monthly gatherings, they organize larger events that give them a chance to change the optics and narrative on Black dads and their children.

“We want to capture the true essence of Black fatherhood and set the standard of what it means to be raised by a Black man in today’s society,” Williams said.

According to Williams, one hundred Black men pushing strollers and playing with their kids in the park was a welcomed sight. 

“People started cheering, some waved and our kids smiled and waved back. A few women who saw us cried.”

The group plans to launch a tour that will bring the dad stroll to every major city. And to make sure the work extends beyond a walk in the park, they plans to establish Dad Gang chapters to ensure the dads have a community of peers they can connect with on fatherhood. 

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