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Self Appreciation Sunday by April Reign is the Best Thing on the Internet

Self Appreciation Sunday by April Reign is the Best Thing on the Internet

When was the last time you took a moment to appreciate yourself? April Reign, creator of the effective #OscarsSoWhite movement took to Twitter this morning to challenge her followers to take a moment to appreciate themselves.

“If you’re like me, you’re quick to give a compliment, but you don’t do as well with receiving them. And you d*mn sure don’t spend enough time complimenting yourself. Which you should. Because you’re awesome. So let’s change that today.”



With that, she declared today #SelfAppreciationSunday and asked her followers to post a picture of themselves from the last month and share what they liked about it or talk about some of their awesomeness. 

Here are some of our favorites.






We think its the best thing on the internet and hope you’ll join in. After all, we appreciate you but it's equally important for you to appreciate you too!