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John Henry Sloan, A North Carolina WWII Veteran, Celebrated His 100th Birthday With His Wife By His Side

John Henry Sloan, A North Carolina WWII Veteran, Celebrated His 100th Birthday With His Wife By His Side

100 Years of love and lessons. 

A North Carolina World War II veteran, John Henry Sloan, just celebrated his 100th birthday, WWAY TV reports.

Sloan is a World War II veteran who served on the front line, even driving in Italy to collect the dog tags of fallen soldiers. He said the best part about the war was making it back to his family.

“Pretty rough time in the service, ducking bullets and all that kind of stuff. Lucky enough that the Lord took care of me, didn’t get a scratch. Made it back home safe. That was the best part about it,” Sloan said. 

He came home to his family and is still sharing his story. The veteran got to celebrate his birthday in Wilmington, North Carolina, at a party surrounded by family and friends who were all fully vaccinated. 

“It’s surprising; it means a whole lot. It means a whole lot to see all of them, friends and family,” Sloan said. 

All of the guests showered Sloan and his wife, Eliza Baptist Sloan, with their love. The two married nearly six decades ago, and Eliza said she couldn’t believe that they were celebrating her husband’s century of living. 

“People ask me when his birthday is, 9-6-21. 21 is here! 100 years. Who would have thought when I met him 54 years ago that we’d be living to see his 100th birthday,” Mrs. Eliza said. 

The couple married in 1969 after the death of John’s first wife. Together, the Sloans have 12 children, 48 grandchildren, 54 great-grandchildren, eight great-great-grandchildren, and a dog named Sam. 

Sloan had some advice for others looking to live a long and healthy life. 

“Try to live right, do the right thing, treat everybody nice and right, and then the Lord will look out for you. Live so that somebody will follow after you, in a good way,” he said. 

Happy Birthday, Mr. Sloan! 

Photo Courtesy of Sydney Bouchelle/WWAY