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Identical Twin Brothers Are Now Both Pilots At Alaska Airlines

Identical Twin Brothers Are Now Both Pilots At Alaska Airlines

They credit their parents for inspiring them!

Identical twin brothers are now both pilots at Alaska Airlines, Alaska Air reports.

Alex and Alan first fell in love with aviation when they were just three years old. On Sundays after church, their dad would take them plane watching and on business trips, their mom would drag them along where they ignored everything but the flights. At the age of 13, the brothers moved from Kenya to California, continuing to hold on to their fascination with flying. That was around the same time when their mom purchased them Microsoft Flight Simulator. 

“After I started playing with the program, that was it. I knew I wanted to do that [fly] for a job,” recalled Alan.

Brothers Alex and Alan at age 13. Photo Courtesy of Alaska Air News


As the brothers grew older, they never gave up their passion for flying, Alex becoming the first brother to land a job with Alaska Airlines as a pilot. As his brother Alan worked his way up the ranks, he too started looking at Alaska Air as his first option. 

“When I was working as a fueler, Alaska employees - whether it was pilots or people working across the operation - were always the nicest people who reached out to encourage me,” said Alan. 

Alex seconded that sentiment, recalling his own mentors throughout the process. 

“Alaska is like a family - you’re not a number,” Alex explained.

Photo Courtesy of Joe Nicholson/Alaska Air News


Now both brothers are working for the airline, Alaska reps saying they believe Alex and Alan might be the first set of identical twin pilots at the company, although they can’t be one hundred percent sure given their extensive history. Alan just completed his simulator training and will be based in San Francisco with his brother Alex, a first officer, based out of Los Angeles. Their goal is to one day be able to fly together.

“We’ve never flown together professionally because we’ve always been on different aircraft. The goal is to have one of us upgrade to captain and be operating the same aircraft so we can fly together,” said Alex. 

When that day comes, the brothers said it will be that much sweeter if they can have their mom in the cabin. After all, it was her motivation and belief in their skills that got them to this point anyway. 

“We have to get her on one of our flights,” Alex exclaimed. 

Congratulations! Because of you both, we can!

Photo Courtesy of Joe Nicholson/Alaska Air News