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Here's How This Little Girl's Third Grade Open House Project Just Made Michelle Obama's Day

Here's How This Little Girl's Third Grade Open House Project Just Made Michelle Obama's Day


An adorable nine-year-old little girl just made Michelle Obama's day and we're pretty sure it'll make yours too.

After having a proud mom moment, Audrey Dow shared a photo of her daughter Alexandra dressed as Michelle Obama today for her third grade Open House Project. The third grader wanted to dress like the first African American First Lady of the United States because "she was inspired by her work to make sure more kids go to college & #ReachHigher," Dow wrote on Twitter. "She loves that Mrs. Obama is brown & has hair like hers #ISawMyself."

Michelle Obama retweeted the photo and responded: " This just made my day. I may not be a 3rd grade teacher, but this gets an A+ in my book!" 

Turns out, the little girl's mother is the Senior Vice President of the Campaign for College Opportunity - Latina in Higher Education. Between her mother and Michelle Obama this young lady is bound to reach higher.

Kudos to Alexandra on nailing her project and thank you Michelle Obama for being an endless inspiration to young girls who look like you.