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Can't Knock The Hustle: Recent Grad Passes Out Résumés At Intersection And Lands Dream Job

Can't Knock The Hustle: Recent Grad Passes Out Résumés At Intersection And Lands Dream Job

Photo via: ABC 13 

While many recent college graduates become frustrated with searching online job listings and submitting numerous résumés never to be acknowledged, one motivated Texas trade school graduate took a much more creative approach.

Earlier this year, 21-year-old De'Andre Matthews decided to stand at a busy intersection in Houston with a handmade sign that read: "I am an electrical trade school grad with no job experience. Please take a resume and help this electrician apprentice out. #striveforgreatness" (a mantra that LeBron James lives by). 

Matthews, who graduated from the Houston School of Carpentry in February and went seven months without receiving any job offers, was inspired to change his approach to securing a job after seeing a local news segment about a homeless man standing on the street with a sign that read "Hungry for Success." After creating his own sign and standing out in the sweltering Houston heat for just three hours, he was only able to hand out five résumés before the heat became too unbearable. Though his time spent was not extended, the impression he left on people who passed by and those who learned of his efforts online inspired a number of new opportunities to be offered to him.

Matthews ultimately accepted an offer from a local Houston electrical company. A woman whose father’s electrical service company happened to be hiring at the time that she took one of his resumes on that fateful day, landed him an interview and he is reported to have been hired on the spot! "I accepted the job because my employer seemed to appreciate my knowledge and cared about teaching me. That really spoke to me," shared Matthews.

Due to the significant amount of support that Matthews received via social media when people learned of his efforts, once he accepted a job he posted a thank you message on Facebook. Take a look below as he expresses gratitude to those that encouraged him on his journey to becoming a master electrician.

Can't knock the hustle! Congratulations De'Andre on landing your first job!