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Ohio Twins Graduate As Valedictorian & Salutatorian Of Their Class

Ohio Twins Graduate As Valedictorian & Salutatorian Of Their Class

When their twin powers unite!

Mya and Madison Glover are twin seniors at Toledo Early College High School in their hometown of Toledo, Ohio, Good Morning America (GMA) reports. Since birth, the two have been joined at the hip, enjoying the perks of having a built-in best friend and the loving competition that naturally comes with it. That competition extended itself to high school, where the twins worked all year to academically edge the other one out and grab the top honors for their class. Their hard work paid off, and now both sisters are graduating with distinction, Mya graduating as valedictorian with her sister Madison grabbing the salutatorian spot. 

“I would definitely say we have a unique relationship…We’re very protective of each other and we want to make sure that we’re doing our best. We’ll keep each other motivated. So, I will say we do compete, but…it’s just more [about] wanting to see each other succeed and knowing what we can do and what each other can do,” explained Madison. 

While they are both a lot alike, they also have different ways that they approached school, Mya crediting her success to being organized. 

“I’ve always been the kind of person where I get everything done as soon as I get it, because I figure I better get it done now [instead of] later… Just staying ahead of everything because that gave me time to ask questions when I need it, and just get everything turned in when I needed to,” said Mya. 

On the other hand, Madison leaves the organization to her sister, finding her strength in her work ethic. 

“I would go to all of the study sessions, be at the library, doing the tutoring sessions, so just putting in the work -- and then, knowing when I need the help, I can ask for help,” Madison said. 

Both girls credit their family for support as well, living proof that there’s many ways to achieve your goals. Toledo Early College principal Paulette Cole said the twins have been great examples and will definitely be missed. 

“From the day they walked into this building until now…it’s almost time for them to go, and you know, they’re irreplaceable. They have grown so much and we all appreciate them and we all love them,” Cole told reporters. 

The dynamic duo recently attended prom and are preparing for their upcoming graduation on May 16th. They have both enrolled at the University of Toledo where they will begin their studies in the fall, each earning full scholarships. They want to encourage other students to believe in themselves and keep a strong circle around you. With those two things, Mya and Madison feel you can’t lose. 

“Make sure that you have a support system. Even if you don’t feel like you’ve had people [before], reach out and try to find the people that can support you and help you, especially when you’re in need,” said Mya. 

Congratulations Madison and Mya. The future is bright and we are rooting for you!

Cover photo: Ohio twin sisters graduate as valedictorian & salutatorian of their class/(l to r) Twins Madison and Mya Glover/Photo Courtesy of Good Morning America