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LeBron James Set To Open 'I Promise' Medical Facility In Akron, Ohio

LeBron James Set To Open 'I Promise' Medical Facility In Akron, Ohio

They’re serving a major need for the community!

LeBron James is set to open a new “I Promise” medical facility in Akron, Ohio, CBS News reports. 

The LeBron James Family Foundation opened its I Promise School in 2018 with a commitment to helping the most underserved and at-risk families and students in James’ hometown of Akron, Ohio. Since then, LeBron James has kept his promise, servicing the students at his school in every imaginable way possible, from offering free college tuition to students in partnership with Kent State to creating transitional living residences for families on his campus, James and his team have thought of it all. Now the foundation has announced a new medical facility set to open up in Akron to better serve the community. 

The I Promise HealthQuarters is a multimillion-dollar facility that will provide medical, dental, optometry, and mental health support to I Promise students and the Akron community. The facility will also house an on-site pharmacy and lab services and be located directly across from House Three Thirty, a center that focuses on providing locals with job training and financial literacy. 

James took to social media to share his excitement about the new announcement, writing, “It takes a village to help raise a kid and make a true difference! Love my kids and their families!”




The HealthQuarters will partner with other local health providers to serve the community, including AxessPointe, Coleman Health Services, and Peg’s Foundation. James joins athletes like Michael Jordan who have also provided wraparound services for the community, with a special emphasis on affordable healthcare clinics. 


"[Our] work continues to expand in ways we never dreamed of. Access to affordable health care has always been a critical need for our families - and further heightened by the pandemic - so we began rallying our community to bring the experts together under one trusted roof. Being able to provide this important resource for the entire community is only possible because we have incredible partners that share our We Are Family philosophy,” said Michele Campbell, executive director of the LeBron James Family Foundation. 

We love to see it! Thanks for all you do, LeBron! 

Photo Courtesy of Jason Miller/Getty Images/LJFamFoundation/Instagram