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Introducing Harlem Capital Partners, A Minority-Owned Investment Company Seeking To Support Diverse Entrepreneurs

Introducing Harlem Capital Partners, A Minority-Owned Investment Company Seeking To Support Diverse Entrepreneurs

 Photo credit: Harlem Capital, L to R: Brandon Bryant, Jarrid Tingle, Henri Pierre-Jacques, and John Henry

Colleagues John Henry, Henri Pierre-Jacques, Jarrid Tingle, and Brandon Bryant, are leveraging their passion for economic development and entrepreneurship in a major way. Henry is an entrepreneur and venture capitalist, Pierre-Jacques, a private equity associate, Tingle, a private equity investment professional, and Bryant, the creative director of a digital platform named the "Wall Street Paper." Together, they are on a mission to change the face of entrepreneurship by investing in 1,000 diverse founders over the next 20 years with their New York-based venture firm, Harlem Capital Partners.  

While Harlem Capital Partners, or "HCP," will invest in founders from all ethnic backgrounds, they have committed to reserving at least 50% of their efforts to invest specifically in women founders and founders of color in the U.S. HCP seeks to partner with entrepreneurs who have conceived products that will be able to generate revenue. They would then provide the appropriate financial, marketing, and operational guidance to ultimately be able to turn a model of simply selling products into a sustainable business venture. With work experiences coupled with training from prestigious institutions such as Harvard Business School and Ohio State University, the founding HCP members' expertise around investor relations, financial consulting, and brand management make them a well-informed "entrepreneurship one stop shop."

There are criteria that a new business venture should meet in order to be considered for HCP investment. While HCP is willing to assist founders with growing their businesses, they expect a fair amount of foundational business structure and long-term forecasting to already be well thought out and articulated upfront.

"Harlem Capital is here to stay and we hope that if this mission resonates with you in any way, reach out and join us. Let's change the face of entrepreneurship together," remarks HCP co-founder John Henry in HCP’s introductory video on their website.

Visit to learn more about each partner of Harlem Capital, some of the brands in which they have already invested, and maybe next steps to be considered as one of their next potential investment opportunities.