Photo via: CBS News
The city of Flint, Michigan continues to experience an ongoing lack of clean water supply. While multiple businesses and celebrities alike have contributed to relief efforts for the citizens of Flint, most recently, local Zeta Beta Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. raised $20,000 to assist with providing clean water to their surrounding community.
The active AKA chapter has been providing water to community members since the crisis began back in 2014. When they saw no end in sight, they reached out to their corporate office for additional financial support. The corporate office offered a $10,000 gift and the regional chapter then matched that amount. They have also been instrumental in pooling funds provided by resources from all over the U.S. totaling upwards of $80,000.
Flint Mayor, Karen Weaver, and Chief Public Health Advisor, Pamela Pugh, are both members of AKA and have been proud to acknowledge the $20,000 donation as their chapter's largest single donation provided to Flint since the water crisis began. "When they see there is a need here, they have stepped up and they're continuing to help and support us," Weaver shared via Facebook.
The city of Flint declared a “public health emergency” in 2014 after their water sources were switched resulting in elevated lead levels. Old pipes began to rust and corrode due to erroneously added phosphates to the water supply which caused residents to have to utilize faucet filters and/or bottled water for consumption and other daily habits.
As a result of the recent $20,000 donation, Zeta Beta Omega kicked off a water drive on June 30. Flint residents were provided with bottled water, water filters, and fresh produce.