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77-Year-Old South Carolina Vietnam Vet Earns Bachelor’s Degree In Drama

77-Year-Old South Carolina Vietnam Vet Earns Bachelor’s Degree In Drama

He wants to become a successful playwright!

A 77-year-old South Carolina Vietnam veteran recently earned his bachelor’s degree in drama, Fox 57 news reports.

Timothy Brown served in the Vietnam war in the 1960s, fighting against the real threat of violence and combat on the front lines. 

“I faced danger every day all the ten months I was over there. In a combat zone, anything could happen at any moment,” he told reporters. 

He came back committed to doing something good with his life. For years, he worked as a cook and Greyhound bus driver, shuttling celebrities like BB King and community advocates taking part in Dr. Martin Luther King’s march for civil rights in Washington. 

“We did sacrifice parts of our lives so that we could have a better day,” Brown explained. 

Recently, Brown hit a new accomplishment, earning his bachelor’s degree in drama from South Carolina State University at the age of 77. He walked the stage for his diploma on May 6th, reflecting on the arduous journey that brought him to that moment. Despite his challenges, he stayed the course.

“I was up quite a few nights with Shakespeare…the tutoring, it helped me out quite a bit…I was in class with my grandbabies. The most rewarding part was being able to go back and get my degree and be paid to do that,” said Brown. 

The veteran said he decided to go back to fulfill a new dream, spurred by his past experiences. Right now, he’s writing a play that pays homage to his 3000-mile bus ride from Los Angeles to Washington, DC, hoping to use the funds from the ticket sales to send underserved youth to college. The goal is to bring the play to market next February and Brown is looking for producers to sponsor and bring it to life. 

For him, he hopes that other people can see his story and find inspiration. Brown’s goal is to let people know that there is no age limit on dreaming. 

“As long as you have your health and strength, you’re never too old,” said Brown. 

Congratulations Mr. Brown! Because of you, we can!

Photo Courtesy of CBS News