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19-Year-Old Ronald McCullough, Jr. Will Be Graduating From College Two Years Early

19-Year-Old Ronald McCullough, Jr. Will Be Graduating From College Two Years Early


Photo via: Clark Atlanta University

19-year-old Ronald McCullough, Jr. has quite an impressive academic record. The former child genius skipped second grade, graduated early from Atlanta's Maynard Jackson High School, and started his collegiate journey at age 16. Now, Ronald will be graduating from Clark Atlanta University two full years before his fellow classmates. On May 22, Ronald will graduate with honors from his mother's alma mater with a Bachelor of Arts in biology. 

When asked how he's been able to be so successful at a young age, Ronald responded: "I just wake up in the morning and do the right thing. Just by doing what I believe is the right thing for my future, I've been rewarded greatly."

What's next for Ronald? He plans to enter the biological and agricultural engineering program at North Carolina A&T State University and continue to pursue his dream of one day becoming an astronaut. 

Congratulations, Ronald! We look forward to seeing all the things that you will accomplish in the future.