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Political Strategist Symone D. Sanders Gets Childhood Street Renamed In Her Honor

Political Strategist Symone D. Sanders Gets Childhood Street Renamed In Her Honor

Congratulations are in order!

Political strategist Symone D. Sanders recently had her childhood street renamed in her honor.

Sanders is a political powerhouse and the owner of 360 Group LLC, a strategic political and social consulting firm. Since 2016 she’s been making waves, serving as National Press Secretary for Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, the then 25-year-old becoming the youngest person to ever hold the title. She went on to serve as a senior advisor for Joe Biden’s 2020 Presidential campaign and was on a shortlist of potential candidates for the White House press secretary role. 

At just 30 years old, Sanders would become the Senior Advisor and Chief Spokesperson for Vice President Kamala Harris. She stepped down from the role at the end of 2021 and shortly after announced her new self-titled show “Symone,” on MSNBC.  Now the political pundit is reaping the rewards of her success, returning to her hometown for a special honor. 

The North Omaha native recently took to social media to announce that her childhood street had been renamed in her honor, an accomplishment Sanders is more than deserving of. 

“If you know me, you know I am a proud daughter of North Omaha, Nebraska. Today is special because the street I grew up on, the street where my parents own their home, was renamed. 22nd and Sprague is now ‘Symone D. Sanders St.,’ she wrote. 





Sanders shared a picture of her looking up at the renamed street in complete joy and awe. The post has since been liked more than 14,000 times. She was flooded with well wishes from a number of her followers and peers, all congratulating her on the esteemed honor. 

She went on to express what the renaming meant to her and her village of supporters on her Instagram page.

It’s not everyday the street you grew up on, (the street upon which your parents own their home) is renamed to bear your name. It’s not everyday the community that birthed you, takes another opportunity to pour into you. It’s not everyday you get the opportunity to say thank you to so many people who made a difference in your life."

Let us join in on the chorus and say congratulations Symone!

Photo Credit: Abiola Demo