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Colin Kaepernick Shares Photos With Iconic 1968 Olympics Activists Tommie Smith And John Carlos

Colin Kaepernick Shares Photos With Iconic 1968 Olympics Activists Tommie Smith And John Carlos

Photo credit: Thearon W. Henderson/Getty Images 

48 years before free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem to protest racial injustice and police brutality, Tommie Smith and John Carlos used their platform to bring attention to racial inequality in the United States in the most unforgettable way.

It was during the medal ceremony at the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games where Smith and Carlos raised their black-gloved fists while the national anthem played after winning the gold and bronze medal in the 200-meter dash respectively. 

Today, Smith and Carlos continue to support athletes-turned-activists like Kaepernick, who recently had the opportunity to sit down with the both of them. He shared photos from his inspiring encounter with the two iconic Olympics activists on social media, along with a caption that read: 

"l recently had the honor of sitting down and sharing time with Tommie Smith and John Carlos. I have read about them, studied their public protest, admired their courage, and like many others, l have emulated them, raising my fist as both a symbol of celebrating my Blackness, and acknowledging our connected struggles. But this was different.

Hearing them tell their stories, sharing behind the scenes insights into the sacrifices that they willingly made, and the ostracization that was forced upon them...all that I could do was listen, take notes, and soak in the elders' wisdom."

 What a powerful Because of Them We Can moment!