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Beyoncé Donates $6 Million To Mental Health Initiatives In Black Communities

Beyoncé Donates $6 Million To Mental Health Initiatives In Black Communities

Everybody say thanks Mrs. Carter!

Beyonce just announced a plan to donate $6 million to supporting local organizations specializing in mental health and wellness for communities of color during the coronavirus pandemic.

In a statement posted to her website, the superstar singer addressed the motivation behind her donation, saying, “Communities of color are suffering by epic proportions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Many families live in underserved areas with homes that make it harder to practice social distancing. Communities that were already lacking funds for education, health and housing are now faced with alarming infection rates and fatalities. And these communities lack access to testing and equitable healthcare.” 

A recent study by ProPublica showed that Black communities have been impacted significantly more by the coronavirus pandemic. Underlying conditions such as asthma, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes contribute to the rapid spread in the Black community but it has been compounded by the fact that many people of color are the ones working at these “essential” jobs. 

Beyonce’s BeyGOOD initiative wants to help flatten the curve in these areas and assist with the mental wellness of those living in these communities. The organization has partnered with a number of community orgs including United Memorial Center, Bread of Life, and Matthew 25 to provide basic necessities like food, water, cleaning supplies, medicine, masks and personal hygiene items. They are also working with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, UCLA and the National Alliance in Mental Illness (NAMI) to provide wellness services for residents in these communities.

“In our major cities, African Americans comprise a disproportionate number of workers in these indispensable occupations, and they will need mental health support and personal wellness care, including testing and medical services, food supplies and food deliveries, both during and after the crisis. [There are] immense mental and personal health burdens being placed on essential workers,” Beyonce told Vulture

The $6 million will go to supporting efforts in four major cities; Houston, New York, New Orleans and Detroit. “These are unprecedented times and it will take our collective efforts to make a difference,” Beyonce said. 

Thank you for all you’re doing!   

Photo Courtesy of Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images