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5-Year-Old Drummer Gets Full Band Scholarship To College When He Graduates in 2032

5-Year-Old Drummer Gets Full Band Scholarship To College When He Graduates in 2032

Talk about getting a head start!

5-year-old Jeremiah Travis just received a full band scholarship to Alcorn State University, when he graduates from high school in...13 years.

According to USA Today, the kindergartner is already a snare drummer in the band at St. Helena College and Career Academy in Greensburg, Louisiana. Travis started out beating on his ABC blocks as a baby and just naturally grew into drumming. Now he gets to play everyday in a group with band members who are at least 10 years older than him. He can often be seen showing out at halftime performances and during the New Orleans Pelicans basketball games. Now the drum prodigy has the opportunity to play in the Sounds of Dyn-o-Mite band at Alcorn State when he gets older.Ā 

Chesteron Frye, left, Jeremiah Travis and Brandon Dorsey, right. Photo Courtesy of Anastashia Young/USA Today

Travisā€™ mother, Nicole Jackson, spoke to USA Today about her sonā€™s scholarship. ā€œTo know that he is five and has a full scholarship made me feel so good. I am just amazed at his playing level with him being so young,ā€ Jackson said.

Chesteron Frye, the band director at St. Helena College and Career Academy said that Travisā€™ skills are impressive but his work ethic is what stands out the most. ā€œHeā€™s 5 years old but heā€™s always working on his skills. Any free time in the band room or when we go on break, heā€™s drumming on the floor, getting other drummers to come and just asking them ā€˜can we play, can we play,ā€™ā€ Frye said.Ā 

Chesteron Frye holding Jeremiah after a band performance. Photo Courtesy of Anastashia Young/USA Today

Brandon Dorsey, the percussion instructor at Travisā€™ school says he never forces the young drummer to do anything but heā€™ll do it anyway. ā€œHe is just zoned in. Sometimes, I donā€™t teach him a part because I think he might not be able to play it. Next thing you know, we start playing a cadence, he just starts playing it and Iā€™m amazed. I donā€™t force him to do things because he is five years old. Sometimes, I have to revamp myself and remember that he is so young. What he has, it is Godā€™s gift,ā€ Dorsey said.

When Travis isnā€™t playing with the band, heā€™s usually still playing the drums, but this time with his cousin Kenya Brooks who is also a percussionist at St. Helena. ā€œHe likes to move and learn different things with drums,ā€ Jackson said of her son.

In 2032, Travis will have the opportunity to seize his full ride at Alcorn State. Hopefully he takes advantage, if this is what he can do now, it will be even more amazing to see what he will be able to do then.

Congratulations Jeremiah! Keep doing what you love!