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10 Michelle Obama Facts To Celebrate Her Birthday

10 Michelle Obama Facts To Celebrate Her Birthday

Photo credit: Thomas Whiteside

The first African American First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama is celebrating her birthday today. From the Southside of Chicago, to the White House, to post White house, Mrs. Obama has continued to set the bar and be a role model for young women and girls of color. Whether she's breaking down stereotypes, promoting higher education, or encouraging us all to go high when they go low.

To celebrate her birthday, here are 10 Michelle Obama facts that you may or may not know. 

1. Like her brother Craig Robinson, Michelle Obama skipped the second grade. They both followed in the footsteps of their parents, who also skipped a grade. 

Photo credit: Obama campaign photo

2. Determined to go to college, Michelle caught the city bus every morning at 6 a.m. and rode for more than an hour to attend a magnet high school. 

Photo via: Chicago Public Schools

3. In 1981, Michelle graduated from high school as salutatorian. 

4. Michelle attended Princeton University, where she majored in Sociology and minored in African American Studies. After graduating in 1985, she attended Harvard Law School, earning her J.D. in 1988. 

Photo credit: Gary Gershoff/WireImage/Getty

5. Michelle's dissertation for the fulfillment of her Bachelor of Arts degree was called "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community." (Click here to read).  


6. By attending Harvard Law School, Michelle became one of three first ladies to have a graduate degree. (Hillary Clinton also has a J.D.,and  Laura Bush, a Masters).

7. Michelle started her career off as an associate attorney at Sidley & Austin in Chicago (where she would meet the love her life, Barack Obama) but after a few years, she left the world of corporate law to pursue a career in public service. 

8. Michelle went on to become the founding executive director of the Chicago chapter of Public Allies (an AmeriCorps program that prepares youth for public service) and later the Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago. 

Photo credit: Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon

9. Above anything else, Michelle's most important role is "mom-in-chief." 

Photo credit: Streeter Lecka / Getty Images

10. For her incredible work, Michelle has been credited with changing the role of First Lady forever. 

Photo credit: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Happy Birthday to our forever First Lady, Michelle Obama!