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Susan Hutson Makes History As First Woman Sheriff of Orleans Parish & First Black Woman To Hold Title In Louisiana

Susan Hutson Makes History As First Woman Sheriff of Orleans Parish & First Black Woman To Hold Title In Louisiana

She’s setting a new precedent!

Susan Hutson has made history as the first woman sheriff of Orleans Parish and the first Black woman in the state of Louisiana to hold the title, CNN reports. 

For 10 years, Hutson served as the independent police monitor for the New Orleans Police Department, a special office established in 2008 by Orleans Parish voters tasked with overseeing changes to the department. This past election season, Hutson decided she would throw her hat in the ring to campaign for sheriff. 

Hutson faced off against Sheriff Marlin Gusman, who has served as sheriff since 2004. Back in November, Gusman led in the polls with a 13-point lead, garnering 48% of the vote compared to Hutson’s 35%. However, because neither gained at least 51% of the vote, the race led to a runoff and this past weekend, Hutson defeated the four-term incumbent with 53% of the vote. 

Photo by Bryan Tarnowski for Politico Magazine 

During the campaign, Hutson focused on issues she felt were most pertinent to the community, including several hot button criminal justice reform issues. This included opposing the expansion of the parish’s jail, providing gender-confirming housing and ending the jail’s health care provider contract. 

“History has been made. I am so proud and humbled to call myself your next Sheriff. A huge thank you to all of our campaign staff, our community organizers, the religious community, nonprofits, neighbors and friends…Let’s get to work,” said Hutson. 

Congratulations Sheriff Hutson! Because of you, we can!

Cover Photo Courtesy of Susan Hutson for Sheriff/CNN